Trump Claims Neither Biden Nor Harris Are Running The Country, Instead Unnamed Bureaucrats
Trump Claims Neither Biden Nor Harris Are Running The Country, Instead Unnamed Bureaucrats

For years, many Americans have speculated whether President Joe Biden was truly running the government. His public appearances, often filled with gaffes and stumbles, left people wondering if someone else was calling the shots behind the scenes. Even before his election, critics questioned Biden’s cognitive abilities, and once he took office, that skepticism only grew.

Some believed Kamala Harris, his vice president, was the real power behind the scenes. Rumors circulated that Harris, with her more radical agenda, was quietly shaping the administration’s policies and influencing key decisions.

Kamala Harris’ elevated role in the administration and her high-profile assignments—such as handling the border crisis and promoting voting rights—fueled these suspicions. However, recent remarks by Donald Trump provide a different perspective. Trump, who has long been critical of the Biden administration, has suggested that neither Biden nor Harris is fully in control.

Instead, he believes a shadowy group of bureaucrats—an unelected “committee”—is running the country, and that this same group would continue to wield power under a Harris presidency.

From The Blaze:
Trump told Beck that even prior to President Joe Biden’s unceremonious ouster as the party candidate, the 81-year-old Democrat was effectively little more than a figurehead for a “committee” of unnamed bureaucrats…

‘It’s a nasty group of people.’

“It’s a nasty government. It’s a mean government. They weaponize government,” said Trump. “It’s interesting because the people aren’t very smart — you know, the people on top.”

Trump: Biden is Just a Figurehead

In a recent interview with Blaze Media’s Glenn Beck, Donald Trump shared his concerns about the people running the Biden-Harris administration. According to Trump, Biden, now 81 years old, has never been the one truly in charge.

Instead, Trump explained that a “committee” of bureaucrats has been pulling the strings from the beginning. Biden, in Trump’s view, is merely a figurehead, a puppet for more powerful individuals lurking in the shadows of Washington, D.C.

“It’s a nasty government. It’s a mean government. They weaponize government,” Trump said, describing the people behind the scenes. He warned that this committee of elites—smart but vicious—has been running the country with an iron fist, bypassing the elected president.

Trump also suggested that this same group is positioning Kamala Harris as their next figurehead. “She’s worse than he is,” Trump said, referencing Harris, whom he described as a “believer” in radical leftist ideologies.

Kamala Harris: A True Believer of the Radical Left

Trump didn’t hold back when discussing Kamala Harris’ political views. According to Trump, Harris is “further left than Bernie” and has been committed to radical ideologies for much of her political career.

Citing her voting record, Trump noted that Harris was the second-most liberal Democratic senator in the 21st century, according to Voteview data. Trump also criticized Harris for her extreme positions on gun control, recalling her past support for a handgun ban and her endorsement of surprise home inspections to seize firearms.

While some Democrats, including Biden, have tried to present themselves as more moderate, Harris’ radical views stand out even among her party’s most liberal members.

Trump painted a picture of Harris as an ideal puppet for the so-called committee—a group that would exploit her willingness to push far-left policies. He noted that Harris’ deep commitment to progressive causes, coupled with her lack of experience, made her the perfect candidate for a group of behind-the-scenes power players to control.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: The Committee is Real

Trump isn’t the only one questioning who’s really in charge. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., once a prominent Democrat, echoed similar concerns about the Democratic Party. He recently criticized the party for electing figureheads instead of real leaders.

Kennedy described the system as one in which voters aren’t electing a president but rather “the apparatus” surrounding the candidate. He expressed frustration with the so-called “handlers” and bureaucrats who truly run the show, including figures like Secretary of State Antony Blinken, whom Kennedy accused of driving the nation toward conflict, including the potential for World War III.

Kennedy’s concerns align with Trump’s broader message: that a small group of elites, not the president, are the ones shaping America’s future. This “apparatus,” as Kennedy calls it, has operated for years and may continue its hold on power under a Harris administration.

The Shadow Government: Who’s Pulling the Strings?

Both Trump and Kennedy have pointed to specific individuals who may be part of this shadowy apparatus. House Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) has also raised questions about who is really running the show.

He named several Biden aides, including White House Deputy Chief of Staff Annie Tomasini and Special Assistant Ashley Williams, as possible power brokers who have taken on presidential responsibilities. But with tensions reportedly rising between Biden’s team and Harris’ campaign, it’s unclear how smoothly this apparatus would transition to a Harris presidency.

Despite the uncertainty, one thing is clear: Trump and his allies believe a shadow government is running the country, and they are determined to expose it.

As Trump seeks a return to the White House in 2024, he has made it a central point of his campaign to dismantle this unelected “committee” and restore power to the American people.

Key Takeaways:

  • Donald Trump suggests that Joe Biden has never been fully in charge, and that a “committee” of bureaucrats runs the government.
  • Trump claims that this same group plans to use Kamala Harris, who holds radical views, as their next figurehead.
  • Both Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. warn of a shadowy group controlling the presidency, bypassing the democratic process.

Source: The Blaze

October 15, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.