Trump Supporters Give Donald 1 Surprise Gift – This is an Amazing Gesture for #45
Trump Supporters Give Donald 1 Surprise Gift – This is an Amazing Gesture for #45

Former President Donald Trump may be a billionaire but the massive judgment against him in New York will set him back hundreds of millions of dollars. He must come up with the money just to appeal his case against the court action.

Trump has vowed to fight the judgment in the civil fraud case where the New York attorney general garnered the favor of a Trump-hating judge. Neither of them found a victim in the case but the judge’s ruling assaulted Trump, his family, and his businesses. He is banned from doing business in New York for the next several years.

But Trump isn’t banned from his fans. People believe in him and want to show him how much they support him. The wife of another billionaire has spearheaded a campaign to help Trump get through the financial setback.

From the Washington Examiner:
Social media influencer Elena Cardone, wife of billionaire private equity fund manager and entrepreneur Grant Cardone, set up a GoFundMe fundraising site on Friday following the judge’s order for Trump and his associates to pay $355 million plus interest in penalties for civil business fraud.

“I stand unwaveringly with President Donald Trump in the face of what I see as unprecedented and unfair treatment by certain judicial elements in New York,” Cardone said.

The fundraising campaign is meant to pay for the civil judgment against Trump. Donations for the fund had reached almost $800,000 from more than 14,700 individual contributors by late Monday. Donations ranged from just a few dollars to one for $10,000.

Elena Cardone described herself as a wife, mother, and an “ardent supporter of American values and an advocate for justice.” She called the recent legal battles leveled against Trump as an attack on the ideals of fairness and due process that all Americans deserve.

Cardone said the fundraising effort, which to this point won’t pay the interest and penalties on the judgment, is about making a stand against injustice. She said people need to step up in the face of government and judicial overreach that “should terrify all business owners and entrepreneurs.”

She said by standing with Trump people can uphold the larger cause of supporting everyone in business who wants to fight against a system that works to penalize dissent and curb American freedoms. People should stand shoulder to shoulder with Trump who has fought for every American.

“Now, more than ever, it’s time for business owners and entrepreneurs to unite, to show our collective strength and resolve,” Cardone said. “Let’s stand with Trump to ensure that justice prevails and that we continue to fight for a country that respects freedom, honors courage, and rewards the unwavering spirit of its people.

The viral fundraising effort has spread to the point that liberal CNN host Don Lemon shared the site on social media platform X.

Key Takeaways:

  • Trump supporters pushed a legal fundraising effort for him toward the $1 million mark.
  • Billionaire social influencer Elena Cardone started the grass-roots fundraising campaign.
  • Thousands of individual Trump supporters have donated from a few dollars to $10,000.

Source: Washington Examiner, GoFundMe

February 21, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.