Heading into Election Day, liberals everywhere thought for sure that Kamala Harris had the presidency in the bag. Indeed, they thought that there was no way that Donald Trump would be able to defeat her.
Unfortunately for them, however, they ended up being dead wrong. Not only did Trump trounce Harris with the Electoral College, he also handily beat her in the popular vote.
In the days since then, liberals all over the country have been losing their minds. No longer the party of “joy,” Democrats have instead taken to launching hateful attacks on anyone in their lives who dared to vote for Trump.
At the University of Oregon, Assistant Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life Leonard Serrato went so far as to tell those who voted for Trump to kill themselves. It didn’t take long for this to blow up in his face.
From Fox News:
“You can literally go f— yourself if you voted for Donald Trump,” UO Assistant Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life Leonard Serrato said in the video clip. “If you are so sad about your groceries being expensive, get a better f—ing paying job. Do better in life. Get a f–king education. Do something. Because you are f—ing stupid.”Serrato added, “I hope you go jump off of a f—ing bridge,” and flashed a peace sign.
Serrato shared the rant on his public Instagram page, reported The Daily Emerald, UO’s student newspaper. He has since made his page private.
This Backfires On Serrato
This immediately backfired on Serrato when he was placed on administrative leave for these vile remarks.
A University of Oregon spokesperson said that the school “finds the statements made in the video abhorrent and not in alignment with our values or mission. We appreciate the conflict between his statements, his role in Student Life at the University, and our institutional values.”
However, a separate spokesperson for the school had previously said that “the individual made the post on their own time, which is well within their rights.” This indicates that the school may have initially planned to look past Serrato’s comments.
The University of Oregon has since backtracked by saying that it is investigating “the matter under university policies and the individual’s role as a public employee.”
“As a public university we take our duty seriously to provide an environment that welcomes diversity of thought and respect in alignment with our education mission,” the school added.
Sadly, Trump voters everywhere won’t be surprised by Serrato’s comments. Democrats claim to be the party of love and acceptance. However, they only apply these values to those who think exactly as they do. When it comes to Trump supporters, no attack is too over the line in the eyes of the hateful left.
If a college official had called on supporters of Harris to kill themselves, they would have been fired immediately. Here’s hoping that the University of Oregon gives Serrato the punishment that he deserves.
Key Takeaways:
- University of Oregon official tells Trump voters to kill themselves.
- He was then placed on administrative leave.
- Liberals are losing their minds over Trump’s win.
Source: Fox News