White House Claims Biden Quit 2024 Presidential Race to be ‘Selfless,’ Not His Health or Polling
White House Claims Biden Quit 2024 Presidential Race to be ‘Selfless,’ Not His Health or Polling

Joe Biden shocked the world last Sunday when he dropped out of the 2024 presidential race. Many have since assumed that he made this decision because of health issues the nature of which haven’t been specified to the public.

That’s why it came as a surprise when the White House spoke out on Wednesday to claim that Biden didn’t drop out of the race because of poor health after all. Instead, his press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is trying to push the narrative that Biden decided to step aside in a “selfless” attempt to save democracy.

Yeah, right.

From Daily Wire:
Biden exiting the race has “nothing to do with his health,” Jean-Pierre said. She said Biden “is going to speak to this directly to the American people, tonight, in primetime.”

Jean-Pierre said the decision to bow out came “in a very short period of time” on Sunday afternoon after Biden met with “a small group of advisors” and his family.

“At 1:45, he got on a phone with some of his assistants to the president — some advisers — he let them know and then minutes later, a letter went out,” she added.

Biden said in a letter he believed it was “in the best interest of my party and the country” to bow out and “focus” on fulfilling his duties as president for the rest of his term.

Jean-Pierre said that she thinks “it speaks to how honorable this president is — how selfless this president is that he was able to make this decision.”

Of course, this is a blatant lie. In fact, it’s a falsehood so extreme that it’s insulting to the intelligence of the American people that the White House expects us to buy it.

Why Did Biden Really Drop Out?

If Biden did not drop out because of a specific health issue, he did so because he was losing at the polls. In a clear move of cowardice, Biden decided to pick up his toys and go home rather than allow the Democratic process to continue fairly. Losing to Donald Trump fair and square would be too much of a humiliation for Biden to bear, so he wimped out and bailed. Democracy be damned.

However, if Biden is indeed dropping out because of a health problem, then he should resign from the presidency immediately. For years, it’s been clear to the masses that Biden’s cognitive abilities have been gradually failing.

Rumors have swirled that Democrat officials have been well aware of Biden’s cognitive issues for quite some time. In fact, reports have circulated alleging that Biden only dropped out after top Democrats threatened to use the 25th Amendment to remove him from office if he didn’t leave the race voluntarily.

If this is the case, Biden should not be allowed to remain in office for another minute. If Democrats are aware that he’s suffering from a health issue so extreme that they threatened to remove him from office, it’s unforgivable that they’re allowing him to remain in the White House until November.

In the end, Biden dropped out of this race because of either failing health or pure cowardice, not because of selflessness. The Biden administration loves to constantly accuse Donald Trump of lying, but Jean-Pierre’s latest comments show that those currently in the White House are as dishonest as can be.

Key Takeaways 

  • Biden White House is claiming he didn’t drop out because of his health.
  • They allege that he dropped out in a selfless effort to save democracy.
  • Rumor has it that Democrats threatened to invoke 25th Amendment to remove Biden from office.

Source: Daily Wire, The New York Post

July 25, 2024
James Conrad
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!