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Days After Woke Disney’s Catastrophic Loss – Their “Wokest” Boss Gets a Dose of Karma
By Mick Farthing|June 21, 2023
Days After Woke Disney’s Catastrophic Loss – Their “Wokest” Boss Gets a Dose of Karma

What’s Happening:

Americans were shocked to learn that once family-friendly studio Disney went “woke.” The company’s top executives revealed they were pushing far-left ideology through their movies, TV shows, and even theme park rides.

Good to their word, nearly every new film made by Disney has embraced radical leftist ideas.

The latest was a Pixar-produced film that featured a “non-binary” character and other woke themes. Americans decided not to waste their precious dollars supporting this propaganda–and the film bombed hard. The company was already struggling, forced to lay off 7,000 workers. And now, Disney’s biggest woke executive is getting the ax.

From Daily Wire:

Disney’s top Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) officer will be leaving the entertainment giant to “pursue other endeavors” as the company continues to face headwinds from conservative customers over its promotion of LGBT themes and battles with Florida Republicans, according to a memo obtained by Variety.

Oh, really! Disney’s chief woke propaganda artist will leave to “pursue other endeavors.” When big corporations use language like that, it’s code for “they fired her sorry butt.” Latondra Newton had been working for Disney for six years, about the time the company became radically leftist.

So, Latondra did her job of destroying a respected brand with woke garbage and is now moving on to do the same to another company. Maybe Hersey’s or Gillette.

Disney has lost billions in recent years, as they’ve put liberal politics ahead of quality content. They even managed to kill the Star Wars and Marvel franchises, which had previously been box office gold.

Even Pixar, which never had a flop, is losing big time. All because the geniuses who run Disney care more about pushing their woke religion, than entertaining Americans.

But if you think Latondra’s exit means Disney has seen the error of its ways, think again. The company is already hard at work looking for a new DEI officer, who will push the same toxic politics that is currently sinking the company.

Until companies stop pandering to radical activist groups who demand they obey, they will continue to lose billions.

Key Takeaways:

  • Disney’s top woke executive is leaving the company after only six years.
  • Latondra Newton was responsible for Disney’s “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” efforts.
  • Disney has been losing billions ever since it started pushing leftist ideology.

Source: Daily Wire

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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